In-line paint spray nozzle testing

Spray Imaging

LaVision‘s SprayMaster inspex systems measure spray pattern and spray plume geometries of spray and aerosol generating devices. The light sheet based imaging systems use eye-safe LED lamps for illumination or lasers in case of very fast pulsed sprays.

High performance multi-cone fuel sprays up to single cone household sprays are tested in-line or on-line with automated spray parameter recording and test protocol generation. Versatile combinations of the illumination and camera setup obtain spray plume (e.g. cone angle, length and direction) and spray pattern (footprint of the spray, uniformity, shape, and center) characterization, matching the requirements for a wide range of spray types. The highly reliable imaging modules are field changeable following the highest industrial standards. The modular system design allows flexible solutions for even demanding customization requirements.

Light sheet spray patternation combined with local droplet size imaging

A comprehensive spray image analysis software tool kit generates in real-time process relevant data from the spray image, builds up a statistical data base, executes a quality criteria for spray acceptance including a feedback signal to the production/process line together with a customized test protocol for data traceability. Algorithmic based spray image processing guarantees fast, repeatable and operator independent results.

Global spray imaging on a light sheet can be combined with local droplet size and velocity measurements at a predefined location within the light sheet. Such a combined spray pattern and spray droplet imaging system for a comprehensive spray nozzle test is shown as an example of a highly integrated spray imaging solution.

Industrial Spray Imaging Applications


Home, Care and Beauty Sprays


Fuel Sprays


Paint Sprays

System Features
  • Integrated and modular spray imaging systems
  • Robust system designs for industrial spray testing
  • In-line and real-time spray test performance  
  • Comprehensive spray image analysis software
  • Automated image recording and analysis
  • Automobile sprays, e.g. fuel injectors, SCR sprays
  • Paint sprays
  • Validation of pharmaceutical sprays
  • Household sprays
  • Sprays for cooling and drying
High resolution camera
Industrial light sources for light sheet imaging

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